For over 30 years; Thousands of people have come to benefit from my individualized One on One GUITAR Instruction/Production program; Many with these thrilling conclusions.
"It's like I visit a celebrity as a close friend every week. And I always have fun; Terry shows me the way my favorite artists play their songs. He's got a great aptitude for staying on point, that really helps me understand. I enjoy working in harmony with his proven lesson plan. I was a total beginner when I first started taking Lessons from Terry Grove. He has more than achieved my objectives. And fosters an enjoyable, energetic learning environment. If your serious about getting better at your guitar; he's my number One choice." (Steve H.)
"Every week I look forward to my lessons with Terry Grove. It's the highlight of my day; always something new & useful. His teaching style has been positive, with a non-assuming attitude; a passion for Guitar that is quite infectious. His Guitar Lessons are quite addicting: keeping me on track and continually progressing. He has a lot of insight on how it's done & never leaves me guessing. I'm simply amazed by his balanced & methodical approach. He clearly has teaching Guitar music down to a science." (Richard G.)
"I previously graduated from College with a Masters Degree in Musicology before taking lessons from Terry Grove. From first hand experience I can truly say Terry has taken the confusion right out of what I had learned by explaining very clearly how music theory is applied to the Guitar. I told my friends who also have Masters Degrees in Music and all three of us are now taking Lessons from Terry and learning our favorite songs; he's great, I highly recommend him he is quite talented." (Bobby M.)
"Our bands producer: Terry Grove has provided clear useful info on many Guitar Styles. Terry's easy going, down to earth, highly capable and has reasonable rates. I also like that; he has been flexible with my work schedule. He has showed me superior time management skills for regular Guitar practice. He is likable, good natured and more than once has settled our Band disagreements, ensuring our band works together as a team; keeping us humble & motivated. He's definitely made me a better Guitar Player! Terry also has Digitally Re-mastered our bands first Demo. With his helpful tutoring we are now finally ready & stoked about going out of State this weekend to Las Vegas, to compete in Battle of the Bands! Thank You Terry Grove!" (Johnny B.)
"Terry is well organized at each lesson. My friends can actually see my progress as I show off the things he's teaching me every week. I won a scholarship and an award in our College music program; Showing off the very things I learned directly from Terry Grove. As time moves forward I'm getting faster, smoother & more confidant. When I tell Terry what I want to learn: he nails it every single time. He's worth his weight in Gold." (Adam C.)
"If your curious: I definitely think Terry Grove is the best Guitar Teacher around here. Not only was he once voted: One of the top 5 Electric Guitarist in Seattle (1995 Shred competition) he specializes in teaching others to play guitar just as well. In the past; Here in Portland/Beaverton I've tried many other want-to-be Guitar Teachers by comparison. Terry Grove has won me over; the only one worth my time & effort. Every week I practice hard to surprise him with my progress. It's a lot of fun! Terry's spontaneous, resourceful & goes to great lengths to be considerably patient with me. That in itself: Proves to me his accountability & self worth. His deliberate direction is sincere and very positive. Terry has also went over time; just to make sure I understood the complex things better. I feel comfortable with him; He's really cool." (Marshall W.)